Spring Virtual Socials 2020

The timebank's monthly Virtual Socials in April and May brought us into the kitchen and out into the garden.

In April, Tori Bourret hosted "Food with Friends" from her kitchen where she baked Vegan Apricot Squares. Three participants joined her in baking the squares in their own kitchens, using their jam of choice, while all participants chatted about vegan substitutes for ingredients in other dishes (e.g., chickpea water, a.k.a. aquafaba, in lieu of eggs). Baking together -- even virtually -- was great fun, and a few members had found possible exchange partners by the end of the social.

Vegan Apricot Squares

In May, Elise Stigliano hosted "Tend Your Garden; Tend Yourself" and spent part of the time in her garden demonstrating "zen weeding" and "mindful pruning." Most everything in the garden is both real and metaphor. How we approach our garden tasks reflects our current mindset and our approach to our own well-being. So a change to our approach is an opportunity to affect our well-being going forward. In one particularly resonant example, Elise showed how to get into a comfortable, meditative rhythm while weeding, and she talked about a choice we have: To focus, moment by moment, on the weeds -- or on all the wonderful possibilities of what else we could grow in the empty space that weeding creates.

“zen weeding and mindful pruning”

A big thank you to Tori and Elise!

Would you like to host a social for the timebank? There are plenty of other ways to help as well (organizing, writing, promotion, etc.), and members earn hours for the work they do for the timebank. Interested? Please write to silverspringtimebank@gmail.com to discuss how to share your time and talents with your timebank community.

Silver Spring Timebanking Week

The Silver Spring Timebank str-r-r-r-r-etches the 4th Annual International Timebanking Day into a whole week! (plus an extra weekend for a 9-day celebration)

Sat. March 19 – Sun. March 27, 2022

So much to celebrate!

  • The SSTB now has 400+ members

  • This is the SSTB’s 7-year anniversary

  • International Timebanking Day, March 23, is the birthday of “the father of timebanking,” Edgar Cahn. Our close neighbor in D.C., Edgar strongly supported the Silver Spring Timebank. Sadly, Edgar passed away in January. Let’s celebrate the man and his contribution to our local and global communities!

Edgar Cahn with SSTB member Tina Slater at the Aug. 2017 Silver Spring Timebank Community Swap of office, school, and art supplies.

What better way to honor Edgar and our own timebank’s milestones than to send the number of service exchanges Through the Roof!!  

For Timebanking Week, we are offering Special Incentives such as BONUS HOURS for doing lots of exchanges and for posting about your exchanges on social media, tagging the SSTB. 

Among the week’s special Events:  

Opening Day Morning and Afternoon sessions to Set Up Exchanges for the coming week. 

And we’ll wind up the week with our March Virtual Social featuring a panel of the Founders of the timebank, reminiscing about the beginning and the evolution of the timebank. Join them to chat about where we go from here!  And come with your best timebank stories to share.

If this sounds exciting, but you’re not yet a member of the timebank, please attend the Orientation on Mar. 16. We’d also love to see you at the March Virtual Social where you can learn more and even join up if you’re ready.

Did someone mention BONUS HOURS??

  • You can earn ONE BONUS HOUR if you have at least 7 exchanges (of any duration) during Timebanking Week – to celebrate the SSTB’s 7th anniversary.

  • You can also earn ONE BONUS HOUR if you have a total of at least 400 total minutes’ worth of exchanges that week – to celebrate the SSTB’s 400 active member milestone.

  • You can earn ONE-HALF BONUS HOUR if you share stories of your timebanking exchanges on social media or by emailing silverspringtimebank@gmail.com (with permission from your exchange partner, of course). Write a few sentences, take a picture, or make a video! Make sure to tag the SSTB: SSTB Facebook page, @SSTimebank. Stories will be reshared in the next SSTB newsletter and on our website.

  • See Details and Tips, below.


Weds., Mar. 16,  12noon -1p.m. 

Orientation & Refresher before SSTB Timebanking Week!  

For people who want to join and for existing members who want to brush up on the hOurworld system. Email silverspringtimebank@gmail.com now to sign up.

Sat., Mar. 19

*SSTB Timebanking Week: GETTING STARTED*

Join us to brainstorm possible offers and requests for Timebanking Week and get your questions answered. Plus, you’re pretty likely to find an exchange to do with another member who attends!  

Register for these meetings now!  After registering, you’ll receive a confirmation email with the link to join the meeting:

MORNING session:  Mar 19,   10:00 - 11:30 AM  https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZwtduuhrjIpHtylPYm0RzI1aJvFsPdtksz3  

AFTERNOON session:  Mar 19,   4:00 - 5:30 PM 


Sun., Mar. 20, ,  10a.m.-11:30 Eastern (listed as 3p.m. GMT by host Timebanking UK) 

* International Timebanking Day - Global Celebration*: (Register here). Timebankers all over the world share their hopes, dreams, and achievements. That includes YOU!

Mon., Mar. 21

*Silver Spring Timebanking Week* continues! 

Let’s talk Tech! Post your Offers and Requests. Are those error codes driving you batty? Can you help someone with the ins and outs of Zoom? Log in to hOurworld to give and receive help. 

Tues., Mar. 22

*Silver Spring Timebanking Week* continues! 

Cooooookies!  Or a vegetable curry or homemade ciabatta bread…. Would you make it for someone (or teach someone how)? Post your Offer to hOurworld! Does minestrone soup make your mouth water? Post your Request!  

Weds., Mar. 23,   9a.m.-10:30 Eastern (listed as 2p.m. GMT by host Timebanking UK) 

*International Timebanking Day - Global Celebration*: (Register here). Timebankers all over the world share their hopes, dreams, and achievements. YOU can, too!

Thurs., Mar. 24th

*Silver Spring Timebanking Week* continues! 

Wellness Offers and Requests!  Yoga: Have you always wondered what the fuss is all about? Can you help people express their feelings through art?  Look for Wellness posts Here.  And don’t forget to Post your own!

Fri., Mar. 25th

*Silver Spring Timebanking Week* continues! 

They say everything comes down to Communication. Do you need help to get your message out on social media? Can you translate Greek to English and vice versa?  Do you need a proofreader for your resumé? Check hOurworld today!

Sat. Mar. 26th

*Silver Spring Timebanking Week* continues! 

Ah, Nature! This might be a great day to get some help with yardwork or plant identification, or maybe you want to help someone transplant seedlings. How else might you connect with people in the great outdoors? See what’s on hOurworld, and don’t forget to add your Posts!

Sun., Mar. 27,  3p.m.-5 

*SSTB’s March Virtual Social: PAST, PRESENT, FUTURE*

Winding up our week of celebration with a very special Social! 

A panel of the Founders of the SSTB will reminisce about the beginnings and evolution of our timebank. Then, all participants may join the founders in thinking about where we go from here. The group may also share a few especially memorable exchanges. 

(Panel: Anna Awimbo, Christy Batta, Jonathan Bernstein, Marjie Ford, Mary Murphy, and Tina Slater) 

Register for this meeting now! After registering, you’ll receive a confirmation email with the link to join the meeting:



  • In timebanking, Requests are just as valuable as Offers!

  • Start putting your new offers/requests into hOurworld today! Other members will have the chance to see them and schedule a time with you in advance.

  • Check your existing offers/requests to make sure they haven’t expired or to update them.

  • Timebanking is about making connections as well as exchanging services. Try seeking out services from a member you haven’t met yet. Or reinforce your existing connections by discussing with members you know, what kind of exchange you could do together.

  • Consider seeking and offering mini-consultations such as a brief chat with someone who can answer a recycling question. Mini-services are great, too, especially if you want to try out something new: A 15-minute guided meditation by phone or a 30-minute home organizing session over zoom, focusing on one closet to get help with the “keep or donate” decisions, one garment at a time.

  • You and your exchange partner don’t always have to be available at the same time. For instance, you can arrange for someone to bake you brownies that you can pick up the next day.

  • We’ll focus on one-on-one exchanges this week. (“One-to-many” exchanges like workshops require assistance from admins who will be extra busy during timebanking week.)

To qualify for BONUS HOURS

  • It doesn’t matter whether you are the provider or recipient of services. However, you will still record the actual hours of the exchanges the usual way: The provider records the time, and the hours come from the recipient’s account.

  • Exchanges must be completed Mar. 19 through Mar. 27 and recorded, at the latest, by Mar. 31.

Ready, set, go!

Winter Virtual Socials

The Silver Spring Timebank held virtual socials throughout the winter. Many thanks to the members who took the lead in organizing and hosting these events.

February 6, 2022

A creative and energetic group met online for the February SSTB Social. Our host -- longtime member Anna Doroshaw -- greeted everyone as they joined. She introduced an easy and fun way to meet each other and learn more about each person with a simple name game.

The group welcomed the SSTB's Newest Member. However, she quickly lost that title when another attendee filled out and submitted her application during the Social! (Plus, a member's mom stopped by to chat, and she's considering taking her turn with that title, too.)

Conversations ranged from specific questions about timebanking and the SSTB to a wide array of ideas for both individual offerings people can provide and suggestions for SSTB group activities, socials and even possible fundraisers. Some participants were excited to learn that they could exchange services with members of faraway timebanks. (Please see this article on Inter-trading for more info: https://www.sstimebank.org/news/2019/11/30/timebank-inter-trading-go-global ) Then there was still time for Anna to share some fun riddles and another quick game that can be used to increase engagement and energy in other meetings as well.

In closing comments, participants said they had gotten lots of ideas, began to think about national as well as local possibilities, learned about applying creativity and play in meetings and gatherings, got to know each other, and even inquired about ways to get involved with SSTB events planning!

That was music to our ears because we always appreciate having more members' help with running the timebank. In fact, they can earn hours for doing all kinds of tasks including writing features for the newsletter, tech assistance, outreach, writing up meeting notes, hosting events, and member support.

If you, too, would like to get involved, please email silverspringtimebank@gmail.com. We can help you find tasks or roles that suit your interests and skills as well as your availability.

A big thank you to Anna Doroshaw for hosting this entertaining event!

January 9, 2022

One of our biggest groups ever - 19 people - attended our January social hosted by long-time member, Madeline Caliendo, assisted by members of the SSTB Events team.

We started off with a toast to 2022 and talked about a wide variety of fun things, including what services people had offered and received via the Timebank. Madeline shared information about a Vision Board workshop she will be offering through the Timebank, as well as some of the Art Journals she makes. Other topics included female empowerment, books for people with dementia, and the practice of "sharing our 'gratefuls,'" as one participant put it. A great time was had by all, and two participants may be setting up a hair-cutting exchange!

Thank you to all who attended, and a special thank you to Madeline for hosting.

December 12, 2021

Two new timebank members joined seven seasoned members at the December social to get to know one another, share holiday memories, and discuss past and possible timebank exchanges. Two children, a dog, and two cats also joined in to keep the gathering lively.

The discussion spanned a range of topics including MS Word vs Excel for creating tables, and a possible forthcoming offer for professional cleaning of fish tanks!

Our host noted afterwards that "the group fell into a friendly rhythm of sharing -- and found many shared values as well."

Many thanks to member Christine Tetrault for hosting this Social.

All virtual social hosts earned timebank hours for their efforts. In fact, SSTB members can earn hours for doing all kinds of tasks to help the timebank, including writing features for the newsletter, tech assistance, orientations, and outreach.

Winners of the Scavenger Hunt!

Congratulations to Susan Alexander, Sharon Englisch, Fred Shuback, Mindy Shuback, and Christine Tetrault --- the five winners of our first SSTB Scavenger Hunt!  Each of them earned a bonus timebank hour!

In December we held a “Scavenger Hunt” where people searched through hOurworld for answers to twelve questions. Most questions asked which SSTB member can provide a certain service.  Sometimes there are multiple members who can do that (no need to list them all!), so naming just one was fine.

Here are a few of the questions the winners answered:

Q: You are trying out for a part in a play, but you need to speak with a foreign accent.  Who could coach you?

A:  Hilary Kacser 

Q:  My potted orchid was lovely when I bought it. But I’ve had it for 5 years (it’s still alive – Hurray!), but I cannot get it to bloom.  Whom should I call?

A:  Anne Hardman

Q: One of our members is known as the “Green Elf” --- can you tell us why?

A: Tanya DeKona. She can help you upcycle and reuse everything in sight.

As you can see, when you go searching through the hOurworld site, it’s amazing the skills and talents you come across!  The Membership Team may very well create another Scavenger Hunt for the summer and we hope you’ll consider participating!

Winter Social Walk

Many thanks to Sharon Englisch for leading a lovely walk in Brookside Gardens and Wheaton Nature Center in early December. Being outside allowed some walkers to remove masks, so timebankers could see full faces of old friends while meeting new friends. The walk lasted just to dusk so the group enjoyed some of the holiday lights in the annual Garden of Lights! 

“What a fabulous time we had at Brookside Gardens! Thank you Sharon and Charlotte for organizing. The weather was perfect and the company was awesome! Looking forward to the next time there is a walking social.” SSTB member Robin Handelman

Winter/Holiday Scavenger Hunt!

Would you like an extra hour to spend on a yoga lesson, a ride, getting that hole in your pants patched, or any of the other services offered by Silver Spring Timebank Members?  Earn a Bonus Timebank Hour by taking part in our Winter/Holiday Scavenger Hunt!

The hunt takes place on hOurworld.  Log in to look for the answers (and also get some ideas for what offers or requests YOU might post).

Most of these questions ask you which SSTB member can provide a certain service. There may be multiple members who can do that --- you don't have to find them all, just give us one. (Hint: Check the Offers tab, search bios under the Members tab, or just use the Search box!)

List your answers in an email and send to slater.tina@gmail.comDeadline is TUESDAY, December 21, 2021.

We'll get back to participants mid-January with the answers and how to record your bonus hour.  Let's get started!  

  1. You are trying out for a part in a play, but you need to speak with a foreign accent.  Who could coach you?

  2. My mother lives alone, has poor eyesight, yet used to be an avid reader.  Is there anyone who could read aloud her favorite book to her?

  3. I’ve kept a bunch of beads (from broken necklaces). Could someone make them into bracelets or a new necklace?

  4. We’re hosting a surprise anniversary dinner for some dear friends. I’d love to have a floral arrangement as a centerpiece. Who could make one for me --- or even teach me?

  5. My potted orchid was lovely when I bought it. But I’ve had it for 5 years (it’s still alive – Hurray!), but I cannot get it to bloom.  Whom should I call?

  6. I’m planning a week-long trip.  Is there someone who could look after my bird?

  7. One of our members is known as the “Green Elf” --- can you tell us why?

  8. Our place of worship is on a mission to reduce food waste.  Can someone offer us advice?

  9. An old friend is coming to town for the weekend to visit me.  But I don’t have a spare room. Is there someone in Silver Spring who could offer an overnight stay?

  10. Who are the 3 newest members to join the timebank, as of the day you submit your answers to the quiz? Hint: Use the Members tab.

  11. Can you find 3 timebank members who live close to you --- not including members of your household! Hint: Click on the Members tab, and filter using the Distance Limit button.

  12. Where would you look to find out how many exchanges Mary Campbell has done and how many times she responded when emailed? Hint: the Profile page is the info other members can see about you – so go to Mary’s Profile page and check her Member Bio.

Thanks for participating!!  Mail your answers to slater.tina@gmail.com by TUESDAY, December 21, 2021

Summer Virtual Socials 2021

JUNE 2021

The mix of personalities and experiences at a timebank social always makes for a lively event, especially when we touch on a large number of topics.  At the June Virtual Social, the conversation ran the gamut from dog-walking to frugal living; from caregiver support to haircuts during covid; from bike repair to ways to lower the cost of phone plans. We discussed “buy nothing” and “trash nothing” community groups. Oh, and… did someone say there are Singles Nights at the hardware store?!? 

It was a fun time but also with a serious note. One participant shared that she had reached out for help at home following a surgery.  Her recovery was faster than expected, so she didn’t need the help after all.  But she was comforted by the fact that two members she had never met quickly offered to help with meals and other household basics. Though the timebank can never guarantee that a request will be fulfilled, especially on short notice, it’s good to know that we are a community of people who care.

JULY 2021

A friendly, lively group met via Zoom for the SSTB Virtual Social in July.  These socials have no set agenda; they are just a time for timebank members to connect and get to know one another. 

This time, we spent much of the two hours discussing what services we needed, even if we haven’t posted formal requests for them.  These services included computer/printer set-up, repairing vintage knits, dog care, cleaning a car, weeding, painting doors, online sales help, and more.

Live discussion is one of the most successful ways to share and respond to other members’ requests, and we were able to make several timebank “matches” on the spot!

We also discussed how to let the public know about the timebank and how we can show current members all the benefits of getting involved with running the timebank.  


A small but energetic group of members met on zoom for the last virtual social of the summer, on August 21, 2021.  Jonathan Bernstein demonstrated the different styles of immersive “seating” on Zoom, and we opted for the stadium seating so we could see everyone better!  

As in most fun social events, conversations covered a wide range of topics as we shared information about ourselves, our interests, and some of our exchanges.   In timebanking, we don't have to provide a service to the same person who provides a service to us, but sometimes it works out that way. We talked about rides to/from airports; finding someone to teach sewing, and replacing zippers as some recent exchanges. We learned about volunteer editing work, contract tracing for COVID, the return of the hospitality industry, the podcast Club House, and ideas for possible walks.  

Since Jacqie Wallen will host the September virtual social, she was eager to learn about the responsibilities and made a point to attend in August. She will earn timebank hours for her efforts. You too can earn hours by hosting one of these socials (that will remain virtual for the foreseeable future).  No experience is needed, just an interest in spending time getting to know and socializing with other timebank members.  

SSTB members earn hours for all kinds of timebank tasks, including tech help, writing event announcements and summaries, promotion on social media, orienting new members, etc. We’d love to have more members involved!  

Please contact silverspringtimebank@gmail.com to discuss opportunities to help, whether for a single event or a recurring task. If you like, you can even join one of the timebank leadership teams and work on an ongoing basis on event planning, outreach, communications, or member support.

Thank you to Dale Brown, Robin Handleman, and Laura Kranis, for hosting this summer’s socials; Jonathan Bernstein, for coordinating registration and tech; and Charlotte Cook and Laura Kranis, for writing the event summaries.  

More Virtual Socials are on the way!  Put these on your calendar now, and be sure to check the Announcements in the weekly hOurworld email updates for the links to register.

Sun., 9/19/21, 3pm-5pm

Sun., 10/24/21, 3pm-5pm

Sat., 11/13/21, 3pm-5pm