Attending Timebank events is certainly fun, but it serves other purposes, too:
/The timebank has lots of great events: quarterly socials and community swaps and an annual skill-share and repair cafe. We do occasional fundraisers to pay for our website and other expenses. We have also done some “service socials,” where members sign up to help a community organization.
*It's a great way to get to know other members and arrange exchanges. (Talking with someone at a Timebank social event may help you feel more comfortable inviting that person to care for your home or your cat when you go away.)
*When chatting with other members, you may get new ideas for services you would offer or request.
*By taking part in our swaps and repair cafes, you support other community members and the environment.
*You can earn hours by working shifts at certain events.
*The more connected we are to one another as individuals, the stronger our community network.